Rules are preconfigured commands issued by Application in response to a Device interacting with a geofence or boundary. If a Device meets certain conditions, such as entering or leaving a geofence, an alert is triggered that is similar to a Panic Alert. The alert displays on-screen, is distributed to stakeholders by text, emails and shown in the Device Notification Center. To create a command response to a Feature breach, a Rule must be connected to the Feature, and with a Device in the same Operation.
The most common Rule type is a Feature Rule. These allow you to receive the notifications described above.
Note: Feature Rules are different from GeoZone commands configured from within a Device itself. GeoZone commands tell a Device to carry out certain actions when it enters a particular area. Feature Rules are only triggered by Device reports received by Evolution. It must successfully send its position to Evolution when in the area for the Rule to be triggered.
12.1 Creating a Rule
To create a Rule, check to make sure a Feature is available in which to apply the new Rule.
Note: Rules are normally attached to standard map Features, except for ‘Point Features’ and ‘Lines’. These two features allow Rules to be attached, but they cannot be triggered and should not be used.
- Verify the Feature is active and listed under Features in the Operations Tree or in the Features grid.
- Scroll down and locate the target Feature in the list.
Right-click the listing to open its shortcut menu.
Note: The target feature in this example, ‘Feature 8’ surrounds a driveway next to a highway. If a tracking Devices enters or leaves the driveway, an Alert will be issued by the new Rule.
- Right-click the target Feature listing in the Features grid to open its shortcut menu.
Note: When selecting a Feature to add the Rule too… do not add a Rule to a Point Feature or a Line Feature. Rules can be added to them, but neither Feature can actually trigger an Alert and should not be used.
- Click New Rule in the menu.
- Enter the requested information to create the Rule.
Next, highlight the Devices you want included in the Rule. (In this Operation, four Devices)
- Enter the Rule Name and select a Start & End Date. These dates determine the date range in which the rule should run for.
- Next, select an Operation and add the Devices attached to the op you wish to attach this rule to.
Note: Selecting an operation will attach the rule to the operation so all users can manage the rule.
- Select Rule Type, then the Condition that must occur to trigger the Alert
Trigger choices are: None --- There is not a alert set-up or engaged.
Inside --- An alert is triggered with every report the Device(s) issues, when it is inside the Feature (geofence).
Outside --- If the Device is outside the Feature (geofence), it will send an alert every time it reports.
Transition Out --- An alert is issued when the Device moves from inside to outside the Feature.
Transition In --- An alert will be issued when the Device moves from outside to inside the Feature.
Transition Any --- Triggers any time the Device crosses the Feature border.
- Select a Suppression level.
Note: No Suppression means there is no limit on the number of notifications made for this Rule. If selecting by Count, official notifications will be suppressed until a specified number of notifications have occurred. If you select this option, you will be prompted to select the number of delayed notifications to Suppress. Normally you will want to select ‘None’.
- 8. Select (check)theEnable Rule Alert Pop-up box to enable the alert to appear on your Base map.
Add the Email addresses and SMS numbers to be notified of a Rules violation.
- A notice of the Rule being saved appears at the top of the screen.
- 10. Verify the creation of the newRuleby locating it in the Rules
- Now when each Device enters or leaves the Feature area, an alert is issued. A Feature Alert will appear on the base map, an Email will be sent, and an SMS message distributed about the breach. The alert will also appear in the Device Notification Center.
- If adding many devices to a rule, an alternate way is to create the Feature first
- Navigate to the Devices Grid and select all the Devices you wish to be a part of the rule and drag the Devices into the Feature. This will create a new Rule and add the feature and device automatically.
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